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Jelli Tots


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Jelli Tots


Current Newsletter

Newsletter June 2024


Dear parents and carers,


It will be a busy ‘end of term’ with lots of exciting events going on so please be sure to make a note of all of the events in your diary.

We will be focussing on school transitions for the pre-school children over the next couple of months and Wendy will be in the garden this Friday morning (7th June between 9am and 10am) to talk to parents about the transition to school and to answer any questions you may have about how to prepare your child for big school over the next couple of months!  


Sun Safety: 

Please can we remind you to bring a sun hat and apply sun-cream to your child before nursery, when the weather forecast is fine.  Nursery staff will reapply cream during the day as needed.  If you do not want your child to have the nursery’s sun-cream you may bring in their own bottle, please make sure that this is marked with their name and handed to their key person.


Footwear and clothing

Please can you ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing to nursery that they can run and climb in. Flowing dresses and some open toe or strapless footwear can be inappropriate for nursery activities. T-shirts, leggings or shorts are the best clothes for hotter weather at nursery. 



I need to draw your attention to the local authorities policy on absence for children receiving funding. 

Below are the extracts from the new contract that the nursery has with the local authority. It states that funding can be withdrawn for children with sporadic attendance and for children who are absent for more than two weeks in one term. The nursery has to inform the local authority when children have had 10 days absence in one term.  

If funding is withdrawn then fees would need to be paid by the parent to nursery. 


Absences of over two weeks or erratic attendance may not be funded 


3.41 The Council recognises that there may be times when a child will be absent for more than two weeks, for example sickness or other family circumstances. A maximum of two weeks absence (per term) will be funded. The Provider must make Parents aware that absences will not automatically be funded and Parents could be liable to cover the childcare costs for the absence. Children with SEND will be considered on a case-by?case basis by the Early Years manager and the Early Years Inclusion Support Team manager. 


3.42 Where there is any type of absence, for any length of period, the Provider must discuss and identify the reasons for absence with the Parents and notify the Council. Responding to absence in a timely way is an integral part of the Provider’s safeguarding responsibilities. This is particularly important for vulnerable children and the Provider should also notify social workers where vulnerable children have unexplained absence. The information gathered from these discussions may be used to consider on an individual child basis if there are concerns or exceptional circumstances where the free entitlement funding should continue to be paid 



3.43 If a Parent is planning to take the child who is claiming the free entitlement to early education for a planned holiday during the claim period, the Provider must contact the Council. The Provider will then be advised as to the appropriate course of action. The decision may result in the non-payment of the free entitlement to early education for the holiday period. Parents must be advised as soon as a child is eligible for the free entitlement that funding for holidays is not an automatic entitlement and funding can be withdrawn. They therefore may need to pay for the hours of absence over weeks to keep the space available. 


Sickness and other absences 

3.44 Where a child is absent due to sickness or circumstances beyond the Parents’ control for more than two weeks or where there are frequent bouts of sickness resulting in absence (equalling two weeks or more), the Provider must notify the Council, who will advise the Provider as to the appropriate course of action. Parents should provide proof of sickness to the Provider. Please note the provider is Jelli Tots nursery in this case. 

Please see Wendy if you would like to discuss anything linked to the above.


Parent and Keyperson meetings

These will take place on the following days:

Maggie's Group: Tuesday 9th July

Sakinah's Group: Wednesday 10th July.

Betty and Josephine's groups : Thursday 11th July

 Jenny’s Group: Monday 15th July.

Josie’s Group: Tuesday 16th July

Albana's Group: Wednesday 17th July

Meetings provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s interests, achievements and development at nursery over the past year.  Parents of pre-school children might also like to discuss any questions or concerns they have about their school transition. All children will receive an end of term report or a two year old check. Face to face Meetings generally last 15 – 20 minutes and take place between 9am and 11am. Zoom meetings can be arranged for the morning or afternoon. To book an appointment, please pop into the office. If the day allocated does not work then we can offer you an alternative day. 

End of term meal: 

Our end of term meal will take place at Jelli Tots on Friday 19th July, from 11.45am.  Parents, carers and siblings are all invited to join us, to say “good-bye” to the children who are leaving us this term.  The children will perform a few of their favourite songs (so please arrive on time if you want to see this) and then there will be a buffet meal for everyone to share.  We will provide cups, plates, cutlery and soft drinks and ask that everyone brings along a plate or dish of food to contribute to the meal. 


Sports day   

We will be holding our annual sports day at nursery for the children on Thursday 27th June. This event is just for the children and they will get to have a try of various different physical activities and races. We will provide team t-shirts so please just ensure that your child brings a water bottle on the day and wears trainers and shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings. 


Just a reminder that where pictures or video footage are taken during nursery events such as concerts, nursery outings or sing-alongs other parents/carers may also take photos or videos, which may include your child. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from this activity or let the nursery manager know that they do not want their child to be included in photographs or video taken before the event. In the nursery registration document, parents must sign to agree that any photographs or video recordings taken at such events will be kept for their own personal viewing and will not be posted on the internet.


Dates for your diary:

Sports day- Thursday 27th June

End of Term trip to Woodside Farm- Monday 8th July 

End of term meal at nursery for children, parents and carers-

Friday 19th July at 11.45 am.

 Last day of Summer term- Friday 2nd August, nursery closes at 12.30pm.

Staff Training days - Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September

 Start of Autumn term for children - Wednesday 4th September
